Pre-School Paradise Art Projects


Ocean In a Bottle

What You Need:

*                   Bottles (peanut butter jars, baby food jars, etc.)

*                   Sand

*                   Sea Creatures

*                   Rocks

*                   Water

What You Do:

*                   Let your children put sand and small rocks in a bottle. Then have them add small plastic sea creatures and grass (seaweed) Finally have them add water and salt. This makes a cute and fun "Ocean In A Bottle." Note: Super glue the lids shut so your children can not open them


Hula Skirt

What You Need:

*                   Paper Bag

*                   Scissors

*                   Yarn

*                   Stapler

*                   Paint

*                   Glitter

What You Do:

*                   Cut the Top off the bag. Then cut strips up leaving enough to fold over at the top. Fold the top over putting yarn on the inside of the fold. Next staple the top to hold the yarn in. The Yarn works as a belt to keep the hula skirt up when the children are playing. Next give the children the skirts and let them decorate their skirts. Make a few extra skirts as they occasionally tear.


Make Your Own Beach Towel

What You Need:

*                   Large Piece of paper

*                   Paint

*                   Glitter and any other material you want

What You Do:

*                   Give the children the paper and let them design their own peach towels.


What You Need:

*                   Yarn (long enough to reach around children's necks)

*                   Tissue Paper

What You Do:

*                   Cut out squares of different colored tissue paper and punch a hole through the middle (you can use a pencil or hole punch). Then let the children string the paper onto the yarn creating a great Leigh. Some children will use all one color, some will vary their colors, some will make unique patterns, one thing that is for sure is that they all will be unique.